I recently upgraded my anaconda-spyder, NAZCA (v0.5.13) and PDK environments to the latest versions. However, I’ve encountered an unexpected issue when attempting to run a Nazca MPW template.py. This is an error that I haven’t come across before with previous versions. Here’s the detailed error traceback:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “—\MPW_template.py”, line 110, in <module>
DC = {name:sp.sp_pad_dc_box().put(‘rc’, pin)
File “—\MPW_template.py”, line 110, in <dictcomp>
DC = {name:sp.sp_pad_dc_box().put(‘rc’, pin)
File “—\anaconda3\Lib\site-packages\nazca\bb_util.py”, line 215, in wrapper
if p in _hash_params.keys():
TypeError: unhashable type: ‘list’
The lines in question from the script are as follows:
MPWcell = CELL.put(0)
sp.nazca_logo().put(500, 3500, scale=1.5)
DC = {name:sp.sp_pad_dc_box().put('rc', pin)
for name, pin in MPWcell.pin.items() if 'dc' in name}
It appears that the compiler is having trouble recognizing the electrical pin items within ‘MPWcell’ as hashable data. I wanted to highlight that the original script template hasn’t been modified in any way. If anyone has insights into this issue, I would greatly appreciate your assistance. Perhaps there are potentially interesting things in the upgraded versions or relevant packages that are causing this problem. Thanks in advance.