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    I have this script for creating ID numbers in the layout:

    import nazca as nd
    import nazca.demofab as demo
    import nazca.geometries as geom
    cpitchx = 6000
    cpitchy = 5500
    offsety = 958
    offsetx = 294
    row = 24
    col = 12
    with nd.Cell(name='Cell_C') as cellc:
        f = nd.Font('cousine')
        i = 0
        for i in range(col):
            xpos = cpitchx*i + int(i/2)*offsetx
            for j in range (row):
                num_r = str(j)
                #nd.text(text=num_r, height=100, layer=1, align='cc').put(cpitchx*i,cpitchy*j)
                num_c = 'c'+str(i)+'r'+str(j)
                ypos = cpitchy * j + int(j/2) * offsety
                nd.text(text=num_c, height=100, layer=1, align='cc').put(xpos * i + 750, ypos * j)
    cellc.put(0, 0, 0)

    When I set the col or row values too high (greater than 24), I get the error:

    “File “C:\ProgramData\Anaconda3\lib\site-packages\nazca\gds_base.py”, line 100, in pack_int32
    return struct.pack(“l”, l)
    error: argument out of range”

    The script works fine for smaller values for the loop index however.

    Also, I’m curious why whenever I re-run the script I get the error :

    “active_cell = cfg.cells[-1] IndexError: list index out of range”

    If I restart spyder it works fine.
    Thank you in advance for your help!


    Dear Cameron.

    When placing the text, its xpos and ypos are multiplied by i and j again in your script. This gives coordinates that are indeed out of range for gds, hence the error. Below a clean up that also utilizes the font you initialized.

    import nazca as nd
    cpitchx = 6000
    cpitchy = 5500
    offsety = 958
    offsetx = 294
    row = 24
    col = 12
    font = nd.Font('cousine') # create object to create text in the indicated font.
    with nd.Cell(name='Cell_C') as cellc:
        for i in range(col):
            xpos = cpitchx * i + int(i / 2) * offsetx
            for j in range (row):
                num_r = f"{j}"
                #nd.text(text=num_r, height=100, layer=1, align='cc').put(cpitchx * i, cpitchy * j)
                num_c = f"c{i}r{j}"
                ypos = cpitchy * j + int(j / 2) * offsety
                font.text(text=num_c, height=100, layer=1, align='cc').put(xpos + 750, ypos)
    cellc.put(0, 0, 0)



    Dear Cameron,

    You should check your program: the area you are trying to write is over 3 meters high, which exceeds the GDS capabilities when using 1 nm precision. So what you see is an integer overflow.

    Your for loop multiplies by j twice, e.g. in calculating ypos and in the put() statement ypos is again multiplied by j.  Same for i. This is probably not what you want.

    For the font, if you want to use “cousine”, you have to use f.text() in stead of nd.text().

    And for running multiple times in spyder, you could try to clear some parameters after loading nazca. E.g. this may help:

    import nazca as nd


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