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    Hi guys,

    first of all I’d like to thank you for this amazing platform it is really good.

    Anyway, I was looking to write the lyp file and I found “nazca.lyp module” in the documentation, however when I try to load the module using:  import nazca.lyp as lyp, the console returns this error: ModuleNotFoundError: No module named ‘nazca.lyp’. Am I doing something wrong?

    Thanks again



    Dear Lorenzo,

    That lyp.py was a place holder module, and having place holders is not a good programming practice, as this lingering entry demonstrates.

    There is a lyp export method csv2lyp in colormap.py.
    Though, there is a revision of layer ids in progress that will affect this part.
    This revision intends to make layers more robust in a variety of situations, like working on multiple foundries simultaneously and having multiple names and or colors for the same mask layer.



    Thanks Ronald,

    that’s a great news, in the meanwhile I wrote the lyp manually, not the best solution but it worked!

    thanks again,


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