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    I’m doing a design where many rectangles with different sizes will be created as cells. The cells will be names according to their length and width:

    def rectangles(length=80, width=80):
        with nd.Cell('rectangle_' + str(length) + 'x' + str(width)) as rectangle:
            rect = geom.box(length=length, width=width)
            nd.Polygon(points=rect).put(0, 0)
        return rectangle

    In a second cell many of these rectangle cells will be created and used with different sizes.

    I do not want to create a cell with the same dimensions twice, instead I want to use the cell which already exists.

    Is there a way to determine if a rectangle cell with specific dimensions does already exist (maybe by checking if the name already exist)?

    Thank you very much for your help.


    Dear Daneel,

    Using the @hashme decorator should work for you as discussed in this topic

    import nazca as nd
    @nd.bb_util.hashme('rectangle', 'length', 'width') # gives default cell name 'rectangle_80_80'
    def rectangles(length=80, width=80):
        with nd.Cell(hashme=True) as rectangle:
            rect = geom.box(length=length, width=width)
            nd.Polygon(points=rect).put(0, 0)
        return rectangle

    In case you still want to know which cells have been defined you can try the following code to print all cell names:

    import nazca as nd
    for name in nd.cfg.cellnames.keys():



    Thank you so much for the help.


    Hello Ronald,

    I have another follow-up question on that topic.

    I have a function which defines a cell which itself consists of several subcells. Is it possible to use the hasme = True statement with the last cell, which is returned by the function? If I do it like that I receive an exceptio: Exception: Detected a call nd.Cell(hashme=True) without first calling the @hashme(‘cellname’) decorator with a non-empty ‘cellname’.

    Does that mean the hashme only works with one cell per function, does the cell which is hashed has to be follow the function definition directly or do i have to hash each cell in the function?

    import nazca as nd
    import nazca.geometries as geom
    @nd.bb_util.hashme('rectangle', 'length', 'width') # gives default cell name 'rectangle_80_80'
    def rectangles(length=80, width=80):
        with nd.Cell('Text') as text:
            nd.text(text = 'Rectangle' + str(length) +' ,' + str(width),
            height = 30, layer = 'Label', align='cc').put(0,0)
        with nd.Cell(hashme=True) as rectangle:
            rect = geom.box(length=length, width=width)
            nd.Polygon(points=rect).put(0, 0)
        return rectangle




    Dear Daneel,

    The first cell you create after evoking the @hashme will get the name created by hashme.

    You can simply nest your ‘text’ cell inside the ‘rectangle’ cell to get what you need:

    import nazca as nd
    import nazca.geometries as geom
    @nd.bb_util.hashme('rectangle', 'length', 'width')
    def rectangles(length=80, width=80):
        with nd.Cell() as rectangle:
            with nd.Cell() as text:
                nd.text('text', height=30, layer='Label', align='cc').put(0)
            rect=geom.box(length=length, width=width)
            nd.Polygon(points=rect).put(0, 0)
            text.put(100, 0)
        return rectangle

    If all you ultimately want to do here is to get access the cell name to print it you have other options too. You can use the Cell attribute cell_name and get rid of the second explicit cell altogether:

    @nd.bb_util.hashme('rectangle', 'length', 'width')
    def rectangles(length=80, width=80):
        with nd.Cell() as rectangle:
            text = nd.text(text=rectangle.cell_name[:-6], height=30,
                layer='Label', align='cc')
            rect=geom.box(length=length, width=width)
            nd.Polygon(points=rect).put(0, 0)
            text.put(100, 0)
        return rectangle

    A last alternative is to use a bounding box:

    @nd.bb_util.hashme('rectangle', 'length', 'width')
    def rectangles(length=80, width=80):
        with nd.Cell() as rectangle:
            rectangle.autobbox = True        
            rect=geom.box(length=length, width=width)
            nd.Polygon(points=rect).put(0, 0)
        return rectangle


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