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Dear iv_tern,

print points rather than pgon.points for the polygon coordinates with respect to the first instantiated parent cell, which maximaly goes up to the cell provided to cell_iter(), the “topcell” in this context.

To get the polygon with respect to the topcell, regardless of any cell instantiation, flatten the hierarchy with flat=True or hierarchy='flat'.

In your case you are looking for the position with respect to the “nazca” top cell, which is always created as a blank canvas when importing nazca.

– nazca
.. – tp1
…. – polygon1
.. – tp2
…. – polygon2

That “nazca” topcell can be accessed as nd.cfg.defaultcell and you get:

for NT in nd.cell_iter(nd.cfg.defaultcell, flat=True):
    if NT.cell_start:
        print(f"\ncell: '{NT.cell.cell_name}'")
        for i, (pgon, points, bbox) in enumerate(NT.iters['polygon']):
            print(f"{i}: points: {points}, layer: '{pgon.layer}'")


cell: 'nazca'

cell: 'toy_poly2'
0: points: [(40.0, 40.0), (25.0, 40.0), (26.0, 50.0), (20.0, 40.0)], layer: '1/0/None'

cell: 'toy_poly1'
0: points: [(0, 0), (0, 7), (10, 14), (0, 25)], layer: '1/0/None'

Alternatively put the design in a custom topcell:

nd.with(name='topcell') as top:
    p1 = tp1.put(0, 0, 0)
    p2 = tp2.put(40, 40, 90)

and use nd.cell_iter(cell=top, flat=True) to get the coordinates as before and nd.export_gds(top) in case you export cell “top” to gds.
