Home Forums Nazca straight connection with sbends vs. diagnonal connection of the sbend Reply To: straight connection with sbends vs. diagnonal connection of the sbend


Dear Daneel,

Which Nazca version are you using? I can not reproduce the asymmetric result. Would you have a short piece of code generating the guides like in the picture you attached?

The sbend_p2p() has by default a fall-back option (keyword bsb=True) where it draws a bend_straight_bend_p2p() interconnect if for some reason the sbend did not return a valid solution. This is what the left interconnect in your picture looks like. If you set bsb=False Nazca will connect the points with a straight line in the error layer. These events are also recorded in the Nazca logfile, which you can activate like

import nazca as nd

By default, the horizontal line of the sbend is in the direction of pin1. This horizontal orientation can be set/changed via the ref keyword if needed. The sbend_p2p will automatically add extra bends in the pin1 start and pin2 en points to accommodate the sbend_p2p under the ref condition, e.g. ref = (0, 0, 20) to place the sbend straight section under 20 degree w.r.t. the local x-axis. Setting ref to pin2 will use pin2 rather than pin1 as reference.
