Home Forums Nazca Warning: Duplicated cell name Reply To: Warning: Duplicated cell name


Dear Eric,

Cell names in GDS are their ID and they have to be unique. If you have multiple cells with the same name (it is technically possible) different GDS tools will treat them differently. Nazca will detect if you reuse a cell name, and changes the name into a unique name by adding a number to it. Your GDS design is then correct and Nazca issues the duplicate cellname warning to notify you each time this occurs.

It is very good practice to always solve these warnings. This is very simple to do: Make the cell name in a function dependent on the function parameters, e.g. in your case

def DC(w=0.5, g=0.1):
name = "DC_{}_{}".format(w, g)
with nd.Cell(name=name) as bentDC:

Alternatively, there is a more advanced @hashme decorator to take care of unique cell naming. It takes the manual work out of the name creation. It also takes care of cases when calling the function more than once using the same parameters. In such cases it doesn’t recreate the cell, but returns the existing one.